Mind / Body Medicine


“Cultivating the openness to allow for inner wisdom to show up”

 ~ Eileen Fischer

Navigating challenging times with practical skills you can use now:
Mind-Body Skills Group

Mind-Body Skills Groups offer a combination of powerful and effective research-based tools and techniques to help participants manage stressful situations. We all are subject to unwanted stress at times, and the resulting physical, emotional, and mental effects can take a toll on our quality of life and general well-being.

In a small group setting, participants learn about and practice research-based techniques including meditation, guided imagery, autogenic training, breath work, meditative movement, journaling, expressive drawing, and other approaches. These practical applications can be used immediately to encourage more easeful management of challenging situations, and to promote an overall greater sense of well-being.

Classes meet in-person, or virtually, for eight to 10 weeks. Participants will have opportunities to share their experiences with the group after we practice the techniques together. Suggested applications of the newly practiced skills will be discussed, and suggestions are made for their practical application at home, work, and in relationships.

Mind Body Skills Groups are also adaptable as Seminars and Workshops for implementation in health care, corporate, and other workplace settings. 

Mind-body Skills include:

  • Meditation
  • Mindful awareness practices – walking, eating
  • Biofeedback
  • Autogenic training
  • Guided Imagery
  • Mind-body movement
  • Working with and transforming emotions through drawing and writing

Quotes from Past Participants: 

* indicates required

Contact Me

Tel: 608.628.5710

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