
Hi, I’m Rebecca!
My life’s mission is to promote healthy living. I believe my own life experiences have created ample opportunities for exploring and discovering how I can live each day fully. Life is an ongoing adventure, and I get to choose what that looks like in each moment. The attitude that I approach my day with affects the outcome. So, I ask… “What do I need in my day to help me feel more alive? How can I structure my day to feel more energized, enthusiastic, passionate, and motivated?”
Spending time alone in nature, and socially at work, and with friends and family, all inform my sense of self. Finding balance amongst those interactions is key to restoration – reenergizing my spirit for what lies ahead. I check in with my body…what does it need to carry me fully, and with joy, through this day? …this week? I’ve learned through experience, that investing time in nutritious food prep, meditation, stretching and strengthening, and outdoor activities are also paramount to navigating life’s challenges, and for nourishing a beautiful and rewarding day.
As a health and wellness expert, my aim is to meet people where they’re at, understand where they want to go, and provide the resources, encouragement, and tools necessary to get there.
MS Mind-Body Medicine, 2015, Saybrook University, CA
BS Health Promotion/Wellness and Health Education,1989
Certified in Mind-Body Medicine, 2015, CMBM.org
Certified Integrative Health and Wellness Coach, 2014
Licensed Massage Therapist, 1991
CPR/Wilderness First Aid
Madison Marathon Finisher, 2002
Ironman-WI Triathlete Finisher, 2007
American Birkebeiner Finisher, 2010, 2011
Triathlons: Age Group winner
Trail Running: overall female/ age group winner
My Family

In my spare time, I’m enjoying backpacking, kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, swimming, mountain biking, camping, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, cooking, gardening, and adventure traveling.
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